Available courses

MODULE 4: XR for Schools
Students will learn about how to use XR technologies in Science teaching, through the utilisation of existing application that
combines storytelling, scientific method and XR technology to represent scientific models.
By completing this module, students will achieve learning outcomes and learn skills such as:
● How to introduce XR for Schools’ Curriculum
● Experience real case scenarios of an application in practice with existing XR for Schools
● Establish creation of lesson plans and assessment process within XR education for Schools

MODULE 2: XR Equipment
Students will learn where to find software and hardware for educational purposes.
By completing this module, students will achieve learning outcomes and learn skills such as:
Current hardware available
Current software available
Our Vision
Our vision is to create a future where primary education seamlessly integrates advanced technologies to foster informed, responsible citizens. By leveraging the metaverse's immersive capabilities, we aim to inspire active participation in civic life, prepare students for the digital age, and contribute to a democratic and inclusive society.
Our Mission
To enhance civic education in primary schools across Europe by empowering teachers with metaverse technologies and innovative pedagogical models. We seek to develop and disseminate engaging, effective learning scenarios that utilize XR technologies to foster civic skills, knowledge, and values among young students in order prepare young students for active citizenship in the 21st century.
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